Snapshots from Germany

We just returned from a trip to Germany and India. We had an amazing time! But it feels good to be back in our own familiar space. We enjoyed exploring a new-to-us country (Germany) and had a really special time with my family (India). Of course, we keep learning new things about traveling with a toddler and packing light. I’m working on posts about our travels that I’ll share soon, but I wanted to leave you all with a small taste of what we experienced during our days in Germany. We spent time in Frankfurt, Heidelberg and Würzburg.

Along the Aldstadt (old town) in Frankfurt.
The Kaiserdom in Frankfurt, a Roman Catholic Gothic Church within the city dedicated to St. Bartholomew. We strutted past the sign that said “enter at your own risk” and climbed the 328 steps to the top of the bell tower where we got incredible 360 degree views of the city!
Frankfurt, or Frankfurt Am Main as it is officially called, is unique in its own way. We were amazed at the contrast of old vs. new within the city walls. They call it Mainhattan, as it’s a major financial capital of Europe and also home to the European Central Bank.
The grounds of Heidelberg Castle were the perfect space to do a little morning running.
Beautiful Sundial at Heidelberg Castle.

Tis’ the season. The radishes looked as tempting as the strawberries.


These little candy and nut trolleys dotted the marketplace in Heidelberg. I hear the whole setup goes into overload when the Christmas market opens for the year.

What really captured me about this church in Würzburg were the oil paintings depicting the Stations of the Cross along the side walls.
We really enjoyed walking around Würzburg. Between the cobblestone streets of the old town, the markets, the churches, and all the old buildings, every time we turned a corner, we saw another incredible sight.
We really enjoyed walking around Würzburg. Between the cobblestone streets of the old town, the markets, the churches, and all the old buildings, every time we turned a corner, we saw another incredible sight.
We got pizza for lunch one day. It was good, but not nearly as good as the endless distractions in the Marktplatz.

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